Hello Everyone & welcome to my page!My name is Luxuria Bordeaux. To give a bit of background, I am a native to Washington State. I also love sustainability and helping our home, earth! I created this website called Planet SCEN (pronounced as “scene”), to focus on providing environmental resources, information about my environmental platform (focusing on environmental stewardship & health), & events related to it.The acronym for SCEN stands for: Sustainability, Climate Change, Environmental Awareness & Education, and Anti-Nuclear Weapons. Creating Planet Scen had bridged the gap of my love for learning about sustainability to sharing environmentally friendly information with the public. I thought it would be great to share these resources with all of you so that we can all work together towards a greener world!


1% for the planet

One Tree Planted


Earth Justice

Future Earth

The Nature Conservancy

Arbor Day Foundation

Climate Change

Earth Justice

Green Peace

Washington Physicians of Social Responsibility

Let’s Green CA!

Enivronmental Awareness & issues

Inside Climate News

Environmental News Network

Anti-Nuclear Weapons

Washington Physicians of Social Responsibility

Global Zero

Nuclear Weapons Info

The Bulletin

Arms Control Wonk

Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy


Good On You

Environmental Working Group

Project Just

Think Dirty



Tree Card



PCC Market - WA state


Maui Forest Fire Birds

Kaua’I Forest Bird Recorvery Project

Recent Posts & Events

C-ID Cleanup with Luxuria 2024

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